
Meet One Of Our Team Members: Tom Guard

By December 9, 2019February 5th, 2020No Comments

Tom Guard is the lead expert in Technical Internet Marketing Data Science at Harben Marketing. That’s a mouth full…it means he works on your behalf every day making sure your company benefits from current search engine trends (and more) and that your company is always able to benefit from anticipated future trends in search engine optimization. Tom is able to analyze the web and help create the best ways to promote your business on the Internet for two reasons:

ONE: Because he has a passion for this work… as he says, “I’m enamored by the web and how we use it to connect to one another and how we use it to find information.”

TWO: His experience. To put it succinctly his experience is exceptional. He studied advertising, writing and psychology at Kent State University and is certified in HTML5 and in Google My Business, Google Ads and Analytics. Tom is also a published author concerning ‘Authority Marketing” and has created SEO courses, pioneered social media contests to track engagement, and has made numerous predictions about the SEO industry specifically Google’s products and most notably the shutting down of Google+ in April of 2019.

Recently, Tom has been learning about how AI (artificial Intelligence) works with search engines… and like always about how it might be used to benefit your business. Tom’s contributions to your success are invaluable

Tom is originally from Ohio. He was born and raised in Cleveland and moved to Florida in 2010. Today he and his family (includes two sons) live in Boynton Beach, Florida (near Harben Marketing’s headquarters). This time of year when Tom is not researching data and testing innovative AI or SEO techniques, he and his family enjoy watching football.